Sometimes a UAD plug-in will be disabled immediately when you load it into your DAW or Console and other times the plug-in will become disabled after a period of time, but in either case a message will accompany the plug-in being disabled. The first step in understanding why a particular UAD plug-in has become disabled is to check the message that appears. Note: If you have a computer that runs an older operating system, please visit our software archives area to verify the latest UAD software version that you can run. If you are unable to see the plug-in(s) you purchased in your list of plug-ins in the UAD Meter and Control Panel, make sure you have updated your UAD software to the latest version for your operating system and UAD device. In order to authorize your plug-in purchases, you must do so from the Plug-ins panel in the UAD Meter and Control Panel by clicking on the “Authorize Plug-Ins” button.

If you recently purchased a license for a UAD-2 plug-in from the UAD Store and the plug-in loads in demo mode after the purchase, it may not have been authorized for your UAD system yet.

The troubleshooting guide below addresses these possible causes through a number of general troubleshooting steps that we have found to reliably resolve the majority of issues with disabled UAD plug-ins. Sometimes the cause is something simple, such as running out of resources to process UAD plug-ins or a UAD device getting unplugged from the computer, and other times the cause is less clear such as a failed data cable or a corrupt software installation. UAD plug-ins can become "disabled" when loaded into your DAW or Console application for a number of reasons - when this happens, a red DISABLED message appears across the bottom of the plug-in GUI and the plug-in itself will stop processing audio.