My research is informed by three main areas of inquiry and methodologies: cultural musicology, queer musicology, and close reading. This study introduces a new conceptual tool for interpreting music with specific regard to eroticism: kink reading, or kink listening. In the conclusion, I briefly discuss the film Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) as an example of post-feminist, neoliberal sadomasochism occurring at the time of writing. Mozart’s Don Giovanni focusing on the character Zerlina (1787 dir. 2’ (2002), Rihanna’s song and music video S&M (2011), and a filmed operatic production of W. The examples investigated are the films Secretary (2003) and Duke of Burgundy (2014), Leonard Cohen’s song ‘I’m Your Man’ (1988), Elvis Costello’s song ‘When I Was Cruel No. The study consists of an introductory chapter (1), a theoretical chapter on sadomasochism (2), three chapters discussing six case studies (3–5), as well as discussion and conclusion chapters (6 and 7). In this dissertation I study musical, sonic and multimodal representations of sadomasochistic erotica in films, music videos, stage performances, and popular music.