After you completely charge the steam engine into maximum overdrive it will trigger a cutscene and then from that point on you'll have the option to hold down a button to have it auto-press the buttons but only in the 1->2->3 order every time (so it misses the full charge almost every time and wastes fuel). The challenge comes in that the correct order is randomized between the three and except for one part where cats come out and tell you which ones to press, it's not revealed which order you're supposed to activate them in. In Iceborne there's a minigame you unlock a short while into the story where you interact with a steam engine, pulling 3 levers in the correct order (a sequence with left-right-middle/1-2-3/A-W-D) in order to fill up a gauge and win prizes.

I have a bit of an odd request fearlessrevolution.